
A Monster's Lair.
Teeth and Fur— Creature Design — Monster Romance



OC: Haulle


Commissions: (Closed)

Sketch: $60 Portrait / $100 Full Body
Rough lineart with simple flat colors that may bleed over lines.

Standard (Simple): $100-115 Portrait / $165-$190 Full Body
Standard (Rendered): $140-160 Portrait / $210-$250 Full Body
More detail added to forms and anatomy, more complex colors, and may add shading/highlighting to fur and feathers.

Pennons: $125-175
Flat colors on highly stylized anatomy, reminiscent of heraldric art, block cuts, and other simplified forms. Minimal accent shading/lighting may be included. These work best as long horizontal or vertical pieces, 'banner' style—if you have a specific resolution in mind for website banner use, don't hesitate to let me know!

Cutlets and Cutaways: $140-160 Portrait / $210-$250 Full Body
Turn your character into a playful cutaway! It's candy gore...but doesn't have to be just candy! (I'm tired of figuring out what to call this, just humor me). Playful break-apart, peel away, or some other form of deconstruction of your character with something hidden inside - meat, goo, plants, crystals, and more! Flat colors with minimal rendering and effects.

Additional charges will be included in a quote for the following:
Additional Characters — (I do not usually discount for multiple characters in the same image)
Complex Designs — (Per-case basis: many designs will fall under base pricing except for difficult designs such as extra limbs, extremely specific small markings, etc)
NSFW — (Based on type of content; pinups generally will have no extra charge)


Species: Unknown
Prounouns: She/Her/It.
Description: A single specimen that can be divided into two 'entities' functioning as the same living creature: 1) The host of unknown species, forming the body structure for the 2) amorphous organism that serves as a living replacement to all internal systems. Note: The organism has no sapience of its own, and is effectively an extension of the host body's mind. It is unknown if the body once had a proper organic structure at one time.
Additional Notes: Limited form-altering capabilities, referred to as 'Beast' and 'Monstrosity' forms for convenience. Internal organism has capability to hold its own form outside of the host structure. Some noted examples of this behavior: forming prehensile tendrils, highly versatile tongue, [redacted]. Vision is hindered due to a preference of keeping eyes closed, but all remaining senses are remarkably keen.

Beast Form

Monstrosity Form

Without permanent structure, the body has a tendency to destabilize. While in this state—referred to as 'monstrosity'—inconsistent and unpredictable mutations can occur. Such mutations have included overgrowth of scale plates, misaligned horn growth, and disproportionate body structure. While it can be compared to cancerous organisms, this state is entirely reversible and is not a detriment to the body's health.

Haulle F-List (18+ Only)